Refuge of Silver Linings
Acrylic on Canvas 40 in x 30 in

Detail - Note iridescent paint (white highlights) and interference paint (dark blue highlights)

Detail - Note iridescent paint (white highlights) and interference paint (dark blue highlights)

Detail of wormhole

Detail of wormhole - note the interference paint (dark blue highlights)

Detail of wormhole


Detail of home outside the reaches of black hole

Detail of black hole

Detail of background galaxy

Detail of stars - note iridescent paint

Detail of dust and gas cloud pillars with stars

Detail of stars and dust and gas

Detail of stars in dust and gas clouds; with constellation in background

Detail of stars in dust and gases

Detail of jet plume from black hole

Detail of signature

A short time lapse of the work done on the painting over 2 years.

Sketches created to design the painting.